

The PLAY TENNIS AS ONE project is addressing Inclusion and diversity priority of the Erasmus+ Programme and is dedicated to the social inclusion for disadvantaged children in remote communities by using tennis trainings, supported by specially developed and innovative community engagement programs.


Strengthening youth motivation for sport and healthy lifestyle by including children with fewer opportunities, along with peers from other social groups, and teaching them European values through Sport.


Partnering organizations are three tennis clubs from Austria, Bulgaria and Germany, all newcomers to the Erasmus+ program, however with extensive expertise in sport trainings and children development through sport.


One FINDING A VOICE program for 15 trainers, which will prepare Coaches and Sport mentors to better guide and emotionally support the participating children. Three groups, each consisting of 30 children from disadvantaged social backgrounds and those from rural areas at risk of social exclusion.

At the “heart” of AS ONE is the partners’ belief that building strong, united, resilient, future-proof societies is possible via combining on one side the systematic multi-disciplinary preparation of teachers & social workers as Change Agents of tomorrow, and on the other – setting the ground for transforming tennis from a typically elitist sport into more inclusive one for the diverse communities.

The PLAY TENNIS AS ONE project (further on called AS ONE) has set the overall objective to use the beautiful tennis sport as a tool for successful integration of disadvantaged children and young people at risk of social exclusion, living in remote or rural communities, and girls in general.

The partners believe that for an actual inclusion of disadvantaged groups
to happen, it is first needed to address the barriers
that are causing exclusion of these groups.

Hence via the AS ONE project we envision tackling the following barriers:


A/ Set-up mini-tennis courts in remote areas in the countryside and run FREE Open Demonstrations which would otherwise not be available for children living in those places;

B/ Transport children to the tennis club`s courts by school busses or arranged transportation in partnership with the local municipality.


A/ Training national and international teachers, coaches and sport mentors to empathize with the actual hardships of the beneficiaries, to become their allies and guide children to mobilize their inner resources and last, but not least - to assist the Mentors in addressing their very own bias and prejudices towards the target group;

B/ Using potent MENTORSHIP program to fortify the emotional resilience, psychological safety and wellbeing, integration, and gradual social inclusion of underprivileged children into the larger Sport community and society.

As a result of our project activities sustainable regional development will be boosted. Implementation of partners` skills and expert knowledge will stimulate cross-border, inter-sectoral cooperation and build a transnational network for promotion and sustainability of project results. The last decade has demonstrated an increase in the number of non-governmental organizations and government agencies pursuing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to improve the social life of disadvantaged communities. Especially in non-homogenous societies, projects for the development of small communities through Sport are very welcome and increase in number.

In an effort to fill the gap of active initiatives, real psychological care and enough equal opportunities for young people from remote and geographically disadvantaged areas, the project partners have crystalized a clear vision on what could be their contribution for establishing small, but cohesive Sports communities via memorable sporting events and programs.


❖ Rural areas kindergartens and schools;

❖ Regional Psychological associations for children from disadvantaged groups or in risk.

All the 3 international partners in Austria, Bulgaria, and Germany plan to establish an active ongoing collaboration with those organizations:

tennis-racket-icon They will organise working meetings (2 focus groups per country with parents from parental boards in remote area schools, physical education teachers, social workers, municipality representatives) to understand more holistically the current needs and pressing issues that the target group is facing in the specific remote region.

Based on the needs identified the partners will build the message to the children and their parents - Tennis is accessible for all, it is coming for you.

Social media campaign for attracting children, GDPR compliant. According to Tennis Europe, “the persons playing tennis on our continent exceed 100 million.” It is believed that the health benefits of practicing Tennis are numerous - it develops agility and quickreactions, loads all muscle groups, helps burn calories, improves coordination and functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems; strengthens mental stability, develops patience, improves concentration and intellect, fortifies imagination and tactical thinking, relieves stress, anger and tension. The partners believe that extracurricular physical activity can be significantly promoted, as school Sports facilities after school hours in all partner countries. Furthermore, the partnering Tennis clubs have already developed good local partnerships with educational institutions in the remote regions.

All the 3 international partners in Austria, Bulgaria, and Germany plan to establish an active ongoing collaboration with those organizations:

They will organise working meetings (2 focus groups per country with parents from parental boards in remote area schools, physical education teachers, social workers, municipality representatives) to understand more holistically the current needs and pressing issues that the target group is facing in the specific remote region.

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